Tuesday, 12 February 2013


I am a proud owner of 287 books maybe even more, and when anyone who enters my room ask me how can you read so much? I want to ask them how can you exist?

 The love for books is a love born out of curiosity, out of a fear to live in a world that doesn't quench our thirst, that is limited. People who do not read, live a dull monotonous meaningless life, and the sad thing is they don't even know it. They are missing the pleasure to enter into a parallel world while still living in this and experiencing a rush of emotions when they course through the pages of a book. Each book that you read is a life that you'll never have but yet your mind is an evidence to it, its a treasure much more richer than any treasure in this world, its an author's secret diary, its the tears and the love and the joy and grief and guilt and everything else. A book is a world in its own and how can anyone not want to travel it? As soon as I touch the cover of the new book, its like I am touching a new life. Reading enriches your mind and more than that your soul.

I seldom ask myself why we are harboring materialism, why the notion of simplicity is no longer even a notion? And then I get an answer, give a kid a book and not a new gadget, and we might again have a generation of artists and thinkers.

Read. Pick up a book and just start reading, force yourself to sit down and complete few chapters of a book and before you know it you'll be transported to a magical world.
I'll advice the young parents, do not give your 5 year old son your i-pad to play angry birds, do not buy your 10 year old a new phone, do not get your daughter 100 new dresses, and a new i-pod because her friend has one. But get into their bed, read them a fairy tale, kiss them goodnight and gift books on their birthdays. Harbor creativity, not materialism.

Dasvidaniya my imaginary fan base! Keep reading! 

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