Today Its a field trip day and we are going to explore my favorite bookshop
Its none other than .............*drumrolls*

My Masi took me to the Aurobindo Market branch and in total there are 4 branches, the other 3 are in Janpat, South Extension, and Gurgaon.
The first ever branch was set up by Mirza Yassen Baiig 35 years ago in Janpat inner circle by the name of New Book Land whereas The Aurobindo branch has been there for around 28 years. On my latest trip there, I had a chat with Mirza ji's grandson Mirza Usman Baig about the bookshop. I went all prepped up with a pen in hand notepad in the other and a jhola on a side, the only thing missing were the big nerdy glasses. I told him how I wanted to feature this bookshop in my blog (yes I was in my journalist mode) and if he could answer few of my questions and if I could click pictures too. He very sweetly said yes. Score.
As I was clicking pictures and inviting the stares of the customers in the shop and the helpers and the random strangers outside,
I asked him questions that will interest all the readers who possibly went to crosswords, landmark, or tekson to buy books! The first thing I asked was how old the shop was and who set it up and sorts (yes I am aware I could have googled it, but I was as I said before in my journalist avatar and no a true journalist doesn't rely on google or maybe he does, but then I wanted to keep it traditional) and then I moved on to questions that are summed up below:
Me: How many times in a week do you get new titles?
Him: Everyday, about 5 to 6 titles (if you havent done the maths its, 180 new titles in a month, 2160 new books in a year *gulp*)
Me: How much discount do you offer to regular customers?
Him: Up to 30 percent to all customers and even on the new titles
Me: What is the hot sell these days?
Him: Gone girl by Gillian Flynn Wiki in fiction, and in non fiction its Durbar by Tavleen Singh
Me: Do you have the facility of gift coupons?
Him: yes
Me: Whats the minimum amount of a gift coupon?
Him: No minimum amount, you can buy a coupon of any amount you wish to
Me: Thats great! so what will you say is the best feature of your shop?
Him: Our relationship with the customers
Me: If a book isn't available and a customer demands it, how soon can you get it?
Him: If its an Indian edition, in 2 days and if its foreign edition in a week
Me: as I see a poster of the Oath of the Vayuputra ( the third book in the shiva trilogy by Amish) : Any discount on the new release?
Him: Oh that, it will be sold the cheapest in all over India here.
Me: You mean even cheaper than Flipkart?
Him: Flipkart or any other site, we'll sell it at the lowest price
Me: ( smiling like a retard) ookay
Him: So anything else?
Me: No, that would be all thanks
Him: Not buying any book?
Me: Sure I will.
You must have guessed, I ended up buying another book and a magazine and burning a hole in my pocket. After chatting for few more mins and looking and feeling the covers of millions of books, I left the place as another satisfied customer.
HERE are few more pictures that I clicked when I was at the bookshop
These are my favorite shots of the book store.
Hope you all come to love this book store as much as I do. And if you want to know the next book that I am reading, you will have to follow me on twitter @avnitelltale! Sayonara my imaginary fanbase and keep reading :D
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