As I woke up today (which is just an hour ago) and looked outside, the weather was perfect. Rain, heavy clouds, chilled air and god has switched on nature's sepia mode again! I was ecstatic ( still am) Now I knew I could just skip college, make some tea and some pancakes (yum) and read my next book, because for a biblio-freak like me, staying in is a blessing.
Even as a kid, I loved rains, it meant I could bathe in the rain on my rooftop till my fingers turned into prunes, it meant mum would cook deep fried food and turn on the radio, it meant dad will get perfectly crisp jalebis, it meant the school will declare a holiday because of a "rainy day", it meant that I will stay in and maybe sketch or read and play games with my mom and my brother and maybe if I am lucky even my dad, it meant I would be able to smell that particular smell after the rains, the one that smells like freshness and rejuvenation, it meant I might be able to see a rainbow...when it rained I was the happiest kid, and I still am.
"And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow"
Enjoy your day in, take a break from what you are doing and just smell in the rain. Let it cleanse you of your troubles and even if its for a moment, let it overtake all your senses.
Also when you are back to your senses follow me on twitter on andwhen you are at it like my fbpage too
Adios my Imaginary fanbase! Keep reading in the rain! :D
Really good work Avni Vij . I don't know u yet i feel so close to you ! :)